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[deleted] t1_j2edd4l wrote



bofh000 t1_j2eeeql wrote

But other times a story is a vessel for more meaning the author tries to convey. Source: also have literature degree.

The trick I suppose is to know which ones are just stories and which ones are telling you more through that story. In some cases you can see through the story to the deeper meaning, other times you need the author’s words about that story, and other times you don’t have their words, but their lives and context.

It’s ok to look for a deeper meaning and it’s cool if you don’t see anything else there. I find life is a lot more enjoyable when I don’t lion down on other people, be they simple readers or professors over-analyzing.


dpdxguy t1_j2f7xj9 wrote

Is it not possible for a story to be just a story to one person while holding deeper meaning for another person, and for both people to be correct? Maybe that's what you meant by your last sentence.