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jenna_grows t1_j633gcn wrote

It’s misdirected frustration.

It’s a bit much that her books are so popular when they’re such drivel - but that’s a societal issue not a CoHo issue. There are plenty of books I’ve read that were way worse than Verity, but what ground my gears a bit was how HYPED it was.

Also, some of her stans can be very stanny.


sunnywatermelon18 OP t1_j64s0pl wrote

Oh I see. I get it now, about it being overhyped. I stopped reading her books awhile ago because the new ones stopped appealing to me, and I've been lucky to not have encountered hardcore stans. There are certainly many problematic elements! It just confused me when people who hardcore dislike her books for valid reasons end up attacking me for having found some of her books enjoyable.


jenna_grows t1_j65laix wrote

As long as no one is shoving anything down anyone’s throats, it’s fine. Once that stops, they can take a long walk off a short cliff for all I care.