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petereeflea t1_j650jvz wrote

If you like something, if you love something, like it with pride, love it with pride. Who cares what other people say, you can't demand someone not have an opinion or voice their opinion, because it hurts your feelings. If something makes you happy, why would you care what anyone else says or thinks? I have never understood that way of thinking.

Stop stamping your foot, and demanding that everyone has to agree with everything you think and say. You aren't two, and no they don't.

You're responsible for your feelings, if you feel bad because someone said Colleen Hoover is awful, that's on you. Because you don't think she is awful, and your opinion is the most important opinion to you. So why would it matter to you if other people think she is awful? You have zero power over someone else's thoughts, feelings, and words. You only have power over how you respond.


goldrynsruby t1_j651086 wrote

I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying and that’s ok 😉


petereeflea t1_j6523da wrote

I understand exactly what you mean. You expect people to never voice a bad word about everything you enjoy, because it makes you feel bad. What part of that am I not understanding? 😀


llama_raptor89 t1_j66l1cj wrote

I mean, there’s a difference between someone saying “I don’t like Colleen Hoover and think her writing is bad” and saying “you’re stupid because you like Colleen Hoover.” One is stating an opinion which is fine but the other is specifically insulting someone else for their opinion. I think that’s what they’re getting at.


goldrynsruby t1_j66qtec wrote

Yes, exactly. I perhaps didn’t articulate it in the best way. Thank you.