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throwawaymassagedad t1_j67h4tn wrote

Those people are not wrong. If you like Colleen Hoover, you do need to read better books. I get people want to read her for enjoyment or shit, I get that. I understand that.

My issue is with people who act like she has published some groundbreaking piece of literature that's so deep with layers of onion. No. That's not true. Her writing sucks. And love, if you like her books, you might as well read some better books written on Wattpad by 14 year olds.

Thirdly, her books are problematic. Their plot is problematic. I am specifically going to talk about It Ends With Us. That book justifies sexual assault, no accountability for bad and abusive characters. And you know what? I understand that characters can be morally bad. What I don't understand is that CoHo doesn't provide any sort of accountability or acknowledgement for that shit.

Fourthly, it glorifies toxic relationships, grooming and is just very unrealistic. Now why I say unrealistic? Because according to the strategically placed Author's Note in the end, it's supposed to highlight her mother's story. Atlas is some guy who out of nowhere became a successful chef? But okay, I'll give my willing suspension disbelief. My other problem is with how bland her characters are. The main character is called Lily Bloom for fucks sake. And she's the most one dimensional, half-assed and generic character i have ever seen.

Fifthly, the writer herself is problematic and I'm sorry if I have trouble supporting someone who tries to conceal her son's sexual assault attempts. I am not going to go into depth, you can that on twitter.

Sixth, how am I supposed to take a writer seriously who makes her characters laugh at their son's "big balls". Like are you kidding me?

I apologise for my lack of politeness but i get really angry when people act like hating on CoHo is because of her success or something. We have our reasons, very valid and real reasons to not enjoy her work. You can enjoy reading her but for god's sake stop acting like she's some groundbreaking literary artist.