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GFVeggie t1_j2kd2e5 wrote

I used to read a lot of fanfiction, even wrote some.

Kindle has an app that allows you to upload documents onto the eReader. Last time I used it it was free. I could read my fanfiction right out in public without having people think the old lady had finally gone around the bend. I have always been embarrassed that I read it.

This doesn't really answer your question, but you are reading and that is what is important. There are some good FF authors out there. Andy Weir started out that way with The Martian.

The Martian was on his site and people wrote and asked him to do a self published book and put it on Amazon because it was easier to read that way or so the story goes. I know I originally got The Martian for $.99, just before it took off.

You are the one who decides what you read and that is the way you choose the material.