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tygerprints t1_j6o0c5a wrote

I'd have to agree with wanton animal abuse, most animals are too big to fit into a wanton wrapper anyway, so don't force them! : ? uh, whut?

Actually I tried reading Aron Beauregard's novel "the Slob," but had to quit about halfway through. I can stomach most anything, but really it just goes too far into gruesome bloody gore and forced self-cannibalism.

I don't really enjoy torture or gore as forms of entertainment. I do consider myself a bonafide horror afficionado (I mean I've read everything Poe and Lovecraft have ever written, including some stories of H.P. that haven't been in print for ages).

And nearly 100% of my reading and movie watching is horror related. So, just because it's part of the genre, unfortunately there's a lot of denigrating torture and gore but that isn't at all interesting to me. It can make you sick (anyone actually make it through "the Slob"??) but that isn't entertainment to me. And not something I'd ever seek out.

And it isn't really lasting, the way something that creeps up on you and grabs your spine can be (Umm not for a snack, that is). Give me atmospheric terror (a little gore is OK - I love "the Thing," and it wouldn't work without it).


jenna_grows OP t1_j6o59x7 wrote

  1. You must be fun at parties. And i mean it. I’d love to have you as a dinner guest.
  2. I am not familiar with the slob.
  3. I like horror. It’s one of my favourite genres. The Haunting of Hill House is my favourite - although is that horror…? And I like anything with Catholicism and possession and general demonology, even though I am not anywhere close to Catholic. Gore - I can stomach but it doesn’t tickle me.
  4. I love murder mysteries / twisty thrillers the way you love horror. Even with those, gore is meh for me. I’m there for mystery and the reveal.