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ackthisisamess OP t1_j6gj13b wrote

Number9dream I did in general enjoy (I loved the descriptions of Japan, and I've been to Japan like you and I'm very connected to the location) however I struggled about with a certain graphic scene (if I remember correctly).

I also really enjoyed the descriptions of England (I love and miss England) in Blackswangreen. However, I prefer the books with more magical elements so I wasnt crazy about this one either. Likewise with thousand autumns. All beautifully written books of course, but not suited for my very specific and picky "comfort" list haha.


surells t1_j6h7tfn wrote

Good to know you enjoy the magic. I think he gets a lot of criticism for including magic from his more snobby reviewers and readers who think it's unbecoming of a writer of his quality, but like you I think it's great and always appreciate a writer ignoring genre boundaries.