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SawkyScribe OP t1_j6osk0e wrote

The issue is cameras don't magically fix the issue.

I think an environment that's constantly splashing drinks leads to cases of dubious consent. You see two people share a drink at a bar and then head to a cabin and the thread of evidence ends there, none of the conversation involving revoked consent is captured.

Few convictions lead to persecutions. Again, if it's bad on land, I think it's worse on a boat with fewer third parties to assist.


Hartastic t1_j6osyj1 wrote

> You see two people share a drink at a bar and then head to a cabin and the thread of evidence ends there, none of the conversation involving revoked consent is captured.

Sure, but if they're crew they're already someplace they're not allowed to be and will lose their job for.

And there's no way to deny most of what happened.

This doesn't mean crime is impossible but being a serial rapist crew member is basically impossible. Kind of the same way murders still happen but you don't have the serial killers with 50 victims of our grandparents time because forensics are so much better than they used to be.

> Few convictions lead to persecutions.

Note that your source is, basically, the closest cruise ship equivalent of ambulance chasers. Not that some of what they're saying isn't correct but take it with a grain of salt.


SawkyScribe OP t1_j6ow7fv wrote

It is a firm representing the victims but it's not like the cruise liners themselves will be upront with the statistics.

>They'll lose their job

That's an issue I came across in this article. Cruise liners can very easily say "he's not a sex pest, he just violated company policy".

You're right that you probably won't get repeat offenders due to CCTV, but the environment of 24 hour good vibes and festivities reminds me too much of college campuses which don't have an amazing track record for sexual offenses. I can only imagine how much of this stuff goes unreported on ships for fear of retaliation.


Hartastic t1_j6ox20o wrote

I definitely feel like you have this idea in your head of what a cruise is like that is not that close to what it is actually like. Outside of a tiny subset, a spring break atmosphere it is not.

Generally it's closer to a week at a resort hotel that people bring their kids to.