Submitted by t3_10nsvqb in books

So I wasnt as blown away with it as the reviews I've seen suggest I should be.

I thought the comedy was out of date but it still amused me. Not in the same way Project Hail Mary had me loling at some points.

I'm a big fan of Month Python and Rick and Morty and that's the best way I can describe it.

I know it's a series but I dont feel it even ended in a satisfying conclusion.

Most Goodreads reviews seem to have it 4/5 out of 5 stars. But I gave it a 3 almost a 2. Anyone else underwhelmed by this book?



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t1_j6ao130 wrote

Humour is very personal and subjective. Never feel bad if a series doesn't hit you like it hits others.

When it comes to the HHGTTG trilogy, the books are in order of quality. The first is the best, second is second best, third is third best, fourth is fourth best, and the fifth one was mostly written because he wanted to destroy any request to make sequels and he destroys all realities at the end of it.

I love the series, but f the first one doesn't grab you, it isn't worth continuing.


t1_j6atnzq wrote

I had an odd experience with this series; I first read the first book at about 19, and just...didn't fucking get it.
Read it again a few years later and couldn't fathom how I hadn't realized HOW FUNNY it was. I don't know if it was too British, or what, but the humor just hit much different after I had a few more years on me.

But it sounds like it's just not to your taste. I don't know how funny I'd find it now, I haven't read it in many years.


OP t1_j6au574 wrote

I'm British and I get the humour but maybe being released in the early 80s it's a bit too old fashioned.


t1_j6cnach wrote

Comedy changes over time. But the 80s were pretty kicking with jokers as any flip of an 80s sitcom or movie will show. If you can’t read past the 80s because it’s too old you will definitely limit your world view.


t1_j6aro3l wrote

I didn't care for it either. I dropped it half-way through the first book and dropped my copy off at Goodwill. Not my cup of tea.


t1_j6auajl wrote

I don't know much about Project Hail Mary but I see a lot of people are reading it. Is it funny? Why do you like it? :)


OP t1_j6aw0ke wrote

Fasted paced, lots of science explained in layman's terms and heartwarming. I preferred it to the Martian.

And yes it's funny:)


t1_j6c6hb4 wrote

I always recommend people to listen to the radio series. It's the original version, it's funnier and it has more structure - the first book was essentially an adaptation of the first four episodes of the radio series, and Adams was so behind on his deadline that they just ended the first book mid-story. If you do want closure, the second book does have a proper ending.


t1_j6b8eb6 wrote

Had more or less the same reaction. Amused at points but overall didn't think it lived up to the hype.


t1_j6bb8pj wrote

I listened to it and loved most of it, could tell where some of it was just filler, but nothing was so bad that I wanted to stop. Was it amazing, no not really, worth the time whilst driving down the road, better than a lot of things I've tried listening to.


t1_j6crvxz wrote

I feel you. I don’t find the books funny, just really awkward overall. I don’t like Discworld either. I’m 42, if that’s relevant.


t1_j6dapy5 wrote

Loved it when I was twelve. I've resisted reading it again because I'm pretty sure I'll be disappointed.


t1_j6bmti3 wrote

I liked the first one, second one was ok, everything after that was trash