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mry13 t1_j5xsp2b wrote

On Open Library (internet archive) you can borrow books for a very short period of time, i.e 1-2 hours, which is great for browsing through. Personally, I borrow books or get neat ones from the flea market, or the curb. I rarely buy books, and if I do it’s usually from second-hand or antique book stores. I prefer keeping the titles I like and revisit, I abhor the clutter that comes with owning lots of books.


melatonia t1_j5y2fjp wrote

God I am so, so tired of the clutter. Currently working on debooking my claustrophobic 1 room apartment.

Thank god they invented the e-book. I seriously grew up dreaming of that shit.


mry13 t1_j5yb8r7 wrote

same here look, Kondo’s method is great for decluttering. she suggests keeping no more than 20 books and to focus on titles you’ll reuse, and reference, or keep those which “spark joy” as she says. the main problem with clutter is emotional baggage, i.e gifted books, books bought on impulse/sale, inherited books, and so on.


vivahermione t1_j5zxld9 wrote

I love the idea of decluttering, because it leaves room for books you'll love, but I'm not sure I could limit myself to 20. 😲


pokey1984 t1_j5xyqbf wrote

If you sign up with your email address you can download the full book for offline use and "keep" it for two weeks!