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BestCatEva t1_j5yowx1 wrote

I read between 2 and 4 books a week. I’d never be able to read this much if I were buying books. And the storage would be insane. Don’t let budgets or space limit how much you read!

I’ve taken up the Buddhist philosophy of ‘material things only hold you back’ in the last decade.


[deleted] t1_j5ysau2 wrote

Agree. I read way too much and way to fast. I’d be broke if I was buying books. Plus it never ceases to amaze me that I can walk into a library and walk out with twenty or so books and not pay a single cent! Not to mention you can also borrow e-books. I think the library is the only truly free thing left in society. Love taking advantage of that.


666_Rae t1_j61kzjw wrote

I feel that so hard. I don't think I can get used to it but maybe that's great because it feels really awesome. It absolutely confuses me when people don't use libraries. Idk it's actually like going to a bookstore, taking every book you want and not having to pay. Plus it's usually more comfortable and more quiet.


supposeimonredditnow t1_j601ogw wrote

A WEEK?? do you have any tips? I'm an enthusiastic reader but it takes me months to read one. What are you doing, setting aside full days to do nothing but read?


BestCatEva t1_j60idpu wrote

I read all day long. In between chores, at appts, on lunch hour, waiting for my husband ot get home, at least 1.5 hrs before falling asleep. I’m pretty much reading 10-15 minutes at a time all day. All ebooks on phone and kindle. I belong ot a book share service and kindle unlimited so I can download as many as I want.