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Xylem88 t1_j538ql6 wrote

Great read in many ways. I disagree with his decision to have a child but that's just my opinion. There's plenty to like about the book and his perspective


0dteSPYFDs OP t1_j53huaq wrote

I don’t think anyone from the outside is in a position to judge that decision.


Xylem88 t1_j53n7cv wrote

You might be right. I think everyone is in a position to have opinions about other people's decisions. I respect his decision for sure and I understand why he did decide to have a child. My dialogue isn't with him but with others who are reading his story and experiences and who have a different perspective on it, so thanks for giving me yours.


0dteSPYFDs OP t1_j53ryks wrote

For me, when I read the note he left to his daughter, I thought to myself that’s something I would carry close to my heart forever. I wish had parents that loved me like that and expressed it. That would mean more to me than the cumulative relationship I had with my parents. I still struggle with feeling loved.

Both my parents were pretty much absent in my life. My Dad had full custody, but was abusive and neglectful. I maybe saw my Mom 6 months between when my parents divorced when I was 6 and when she passed when I was 20.

Both parents being alive and present is ideal, but knowing you’re loved matters a lot. Maybe I’m biased, but I don’t think he made the wrong choice. She’ll know forever she made her fathers life worth it.