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snailien t1_j55zyra wrote

I don't mean to overstep, but if you ever feel like those repressed memories are taking a toll on your current behaviors/relationships, I highly recommend seeking out a therapist trained in EMDR. Ketamine treatment was also very helpful for me.


missblissful70 t1_j56ahsg wrote

I just realized my “anxiety disorder” is actually hypervigilance from PTSD. I am currently looking for a therapist who is trained in these things, as the trauma was for so long, and I was re-traumatized by an abusive boss.


PsychoSocialGiraffe t1_j56156u wrote

Thanks! I appreciate the advice. I’ve looked into EMDR before and started once but wasn’t in a good enough place to start it when I did. It’s something I’d like to pursue again in the future.

Currently I have a FABULOUS therapist who is helping me become more functional in my every day life and start recognizing emotions, realize when things are triggering me and how to handle them more effectively, and stand up for myself and my needs. She’s amazing and I am thankful to have her. Right now I’m definitely in the right place for this moment!!

I truly appreciate the advice, though, and, as someone who’s been in therapy and on meds for nearly 20 years, I appreciate any advice which may provide new insight on healing.

Thanks for your thoughts! I’m glad you got the help you needed and are improving yourself!!


DaughterOfGaladriel t1_j58e8bi wrote

Jumping in to ask about ketamine treatment! I did EMDR which was extremely successful for me. My daytime ptsd symptoms have disappeared but I’m stuck with the nightmares and sleep paralysis. My psych suggested ketamine treatment and I’m considering it. Did you have to stop other medications in order to do the treatment? Or did they allow you to keep your regimen?