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CaptainSholtoUnwerth t1_j6bsenm wrote

Again, there are no shortage of adult fiction books without "dark themes". There is quite literally tens of thousands of books outside of the extremely narrow YA genre. If you think you need YA books for a carefree and enjoyable story, you're just wrong. Try Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, for example. One of the most popular goofy and lighthearted stories in the past 50 years. Yet still clearly written for an audience outside of 12-18 year olds lmao. The dark themes and problematic topics you're getting all hung up on are not a requirement. It's purely about who the author is writing the book for. YA books primarily feature teenage protagonists in order to relate to the experiences of their intended audience. Why adults are so obsessed with reading books meant to appeal to teenagers and the growing pains they are facing is very strange to me.


Natsu194 OP t1_j6bu38p wrote

Okay, I thought that you were thinking that the problematic themes needed to be there I misunderstood your intent with the first comment. To answer your second question, take Japan for example, manga is ver popular there which almost all are told about teenagers. When citizens of Japan and writers of Manga were talked to about why they said they like to have young protagonists to relive their childhood days or to feel young again while reading even if it is fantasy they relate to the characters and their young problems.