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t1_j6n48cn wrote

You thinking just because you don’t like a book no one else should read it has killjoy Karen vibes.


t1_j6n9zml wrote

People can read it all they want, it doesn't mean I have to facilitate it. I'm not asking for it to be banned anything stupid like that. Also if you think not wanting other to read about a 14 year old being repeatedly raped, burned, scared and finally beaten to death makes someone a killjoy, you may need to re-examine some things about yourself.


t1_j6naya7 wrote

You literally say you don’t think people should read it. I think people thinking because they don’t like a book/movie/hobby/ideology etc. that other people shouldn’t read or watch or partake in it is a killjoy self centered Karen mentality. If you don’t like the book fine throw it in the trash and move on.
