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[deleted] t1_j670b2j wrote

Well I'm not sure how you're currently choosing books, so I don't know how helpful this will be, but here is how I do it:

Step 1) I don't read reviews. These days I barely read the back blurb. I follow a lot of indie/well-curated bookstores and get news letters about new releases, author talks, etc. I don't read them in depth, but rather scan, keeping my eye open for anything at all that sounds remotely interesting. Bonus points if the same book gets showcased a lot. Then I will usually, eventually go take a look at it.

  1. When I look at the book, I look at the cover and the endorsement blurbs. I will skim the summary a little, if I'm like, IN the bookstore looking at a book that hasn't been on my radar at all. They don't always determine whether I will read a book (or enjoy it if I do), I'm just telling you what I do. I look to see if it's won any awards or been shortlisted for any. I don't tend to like Booker winners, and I do tend to like Pulitzer winners... If you notice any trends like this among the books you enjoy, take them into account.

Step 3) This used to be the main way I chose books but as I gained more understanding about what I liked, I relied on it less-- Open to a random page and read it. If it is interesting to you the whole time, even without context, you will probably like the book. Don't read the first page, it has to be random. Usually a lot of effort has been put into the opener even if the rest of the book isn't great.

Step 4) Over time, find people who share your reading tastes. I only really have two, and one of them I'm not really in touch with right now. But either of those people could recommend me anything and I know I will read it and enjoy it.

But I think maybe if I had to give any advice, it's this: If you aren't liking a book as much as you want to be liking it, then put it down right away. At page 50 instead of page 90. Put it down before it makes you mad. The more you do that, the faster you'll calibrate your tastes and be able to put my above advice into action (if you want). Happy reading!