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Wickedjr89 t1_j69c4go wrote

Reply to comment by Wickedjr89 in Book choosing anxiety by sburg88

For choice people have already talked about ways to decide what books to read. For me personally I used to make TBRs and POPs (piles of possibilities i'd choose from) but this year i've finally decided to stop doing that. Don't get me wrong, I think they worked for me for a time and got me into reading and reading diversely (which personally I enjoy) but it no longer works for me. I just want to read what I want, when I want. And now? I'm more excited to read than ever before! What will I read next? I don't know. I have ideas. I used to share my TBRs and POPs (book blog, booktube ...) so I felt stuck in them, like a promise, and I could not break a promise.

Now I write down a bunch of books i'm thinking of but I don't share it, no promise is made. When I go to pick up another book I decide what I want to read based on what I feel like reading. There may be other considerations but nothing set in stone. Like, is this book club on Goodreads reading a book I want to read? Do I feel like joining in? If so, I will, if not, I won't.

Granted all this is me personally. I'm not saying it works that way for everyone (or even anyone) else. You'll figure out what works for you. Good luck :).