Mametaro t1_j6gvodd wrote
You might want to read the weekly: What Books did You Start or Finish Reading this Week? thread.
This week's will be added as a sticky within the next 6-8 hours.
/I started reading Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse this morning.
not_dead_7214 t1_j6gvpzb wrote
I am a Literature student, so we are given readings to write about afterwards. The last reading for one class is Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning" and we were only required to read Part One of it. I have already finished it in December, but I am currently continuing the second half of the book because it is eye-opening and inspiring in a way that puts me in his shoes when he was reminiscing specific moments in the concentration camp/s, but at the same time, I get to acquire life takeaways from the book.
I have not read non-fiction books in so long, so diving into Frankl's work grounded me somehow that I still live in the real world and that there was a reality that I did not get to live but it happened. It's a memoir--a slice of life-- and a heart-clenching literary piece.
I would love to have a physical copy of this because I am only reading a PDF version so I'm planning to buy one soon :)
Fahrenheyt t1_j6gw6pq wrote
I finished reading "A Phoenix first must burn", and wanted something different, someone on reddit mentionned it so i'm reading Tower of God it's a korean webtoon, I don't know if it counts as "reading" but i'm enjoying it, i'm 400 chapters in and read all of them in like a week. Absolutely crazy world building and character development, first time reading something like this and I like it
Arkady2009 t1_j6gwevv wrote
I’m reading Prince Harry’s book.
minimalist_coach t1_j6h0dpg wrote
I'm currently reading The Nordic Theory of Everything: In Search of a Better Life by Anu Partanen.
I created a reading project for myself, I'm reading fiction and nonfiction books by Authors from 195 countries. I'm reading any genre or topic that catches my eye, so there is a bit of randomness to my book selections. This is my nonfiction choice from Finland.
I'm intrigued by politics both domestically (I'm in the US) and abroad. The book compares and contrasts a lot of social and political ideas between the US and Nordic nations. I find it interesting how the author who was raised in Finland and immigrated to the US as an adult was caught off guard by the differences in the 2 cultures.
dejabean t1_j6h1pse wrote
I’m reading Elysium by Jennifer Marie Brissett. I have no idea what is happening. I’m 60 pages into the 199 pages. There’s some computer Matrix business going on…I really don’t know. These glitches(?) keep happening. The main characters’ genders are changing and they’re becoming other versions of themselves. I’m invested but I get the feeling this is going to have me feeling dumb in the end.
satanspanties t1_j6hcxb4 wrote
We actually have a weekly what are you reading thread you can have a look at if you're curious! This week's will go up in about 30 minutes I think.
cmererestmychemistry t1_j6gv90g wrote
I'm currently reading The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson. From my understanding, it's the source of most of the things we know about Norse mythology. I can see how much it has influenced so many other books, games, movies, art, etc.
I'm also reading (very very slowly) Anathem by Neal Stephenson. The thing about this that captivates me is the how the author is able to transport me into the story. I feel like I'm right there with the characters; I usually don't feel like that with many books I read so it's great for me.
I've recently started reading Beneath The Wheel by Hermann Hesse. I've read some of this other books and short stories like Demian and Strange News From Another Star. His writing is easy to understand and really moves me. He seems to write a lot about spirituality and embracing both the good and evil in things, and finding beauty in it (that's how I interpret it anyway).