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the-soaring-moa t1_j6gwnpr wrote

The idea that AI won't be able to replace creators is naive. Of course it will. It will 100% be able to and it will do it better than people can imagine.

Decent AI will eventually be able to take all of the data you throw at it including all the books/stories/movies/people/places/trips etc you've loved and hated in the past and churn out a perfectly tailored story just for you and you will completely love it.

AI will communicate with other AI and learn faster and better than humans ever would be able it. It could take every story ever written since the beginning of recorded time and use all of it as inspiration. No human could ever replicate that.

There will likely be different categories, Human authors and AI authors. And some staunch holdouts will always complain that humans are better for some bullshit reason.


Disparition_2022 t1_j6gxkzm wrote

>AI will communicate with other AI and learn faster and better than humans ever would be able it.

slow down there gpt