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PassionPit101 OP t1_jae4k1z wrote

Wow thank you for your insight! May I ask how you get to work (walk/drive/take the T?) There seems to be this dichotomy of people who love the T and others who say it's unreliable (I hate driving so I certainly want to love the T and utilize it for my commute, or just walk to work).

Our situation sounds similar--my partner would be going back to college so I'm assuming his contribution would be around $30k in the meantime, either from financial aid or a part-time job. In any case, it would be a little less than mine.

And thank you so much for sharing the HireCulture board! I've just been checking LinkedIn/Handshake and had no idea about this.


catsforzas t1_jae5go8 wrote

I take the bus — it’s not the most reliable but there aren’t any transfers between home and work. The MBTA is… fine. It’s not good but it’s there and it gets me to where I need to be. A bus-only pass runs me I think $50 monthly (if you add in the train system, the T, it’s $90 - so I just pay for my rare T rides separately) and I do have a car but I’m looking to sell it since I only really use it for grocery shopping and the occasional Facebook marketplace furniture pickup. Would recommend not bringing one, haha.