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t1_j94gjj7 wrote

So yes, this is Lampyridae (fireflies), but this isn’t the one you think it is. It’s a Winter Firefly (Ellychnia corrusca) larva. They don’t light up as adults, and are sooooo much more common. Still very cool though!

I recommend checking the links below for more info about your friend.

Link 1 Link 2

If you’re curious about fireflies in general, Mass Audubon has a cool citizen science project here.

I am an entomologist, and I do a ton of field work around the state. Fireflies are around at a good number of my field sites. Cutler park in Dedham has quite a few at times.


OP t1_j94jvur wrote

Ah wow, this is simultaneously disappointing and very interesting. Thanks for bringing your expertise. I live close to Cutler Park, I’ll have to try going over there in the summer. Really want my daughter to see some


t1_j96zbvu wrote

The only time I ever recall seeing fireflies in my childhood was when I would go with my best friend to her uncle's house in Dedham, so that's really interesting!