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Wilforks t1_j8omj3k wrote

I’m all for rent control, but I also recognize the cost of building in Boston, and would generally not consider any new developments that are walkable to transit to be anything but luxury. Their sale prices will need to be over $1000/sqft to justify the effort of construction.

Where rents are now, even if increases for existing tenants are capped at 3% annually, there’s money to be made in most neighborhoods. I don’t like to see people who pay their rent reliably displaced out of greed.

If you’re near a road, you’re near transit, move far enough out and car+housing can be affordable. I think the perpetually young city of Boston needs a reality check every so often, that walkable living and eating/drinking out a few nights a week isn’t a sustainable lifestyle for most people, certainly not for people who also don’t want roommates. Demand is high and those amenities that make city living attractive are competing with housing for land under foot. Do people really want to live that way forever? It gets repetitive, doesn’t it?


SuckMyAssmar t1_j8oomns wrote

I agree with your first two paragraphs, but I am not talking about young people, really. They are typically college graduates that have high-paying jobs. I am talking about an immigrant family that has lived here for 12 years and has 2 kids under age 10. Or couple that moved from Ohio to Mass and both 35 year old individuals work at TJ Maxx, one as a manager making $60k.
