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justlikethewwdove t1_j8piosd wrote

I think the government needs to be more directly involved in the construction and ownership of housing stock. There's a proven track record in this country of rent control in combination with heavy public investment in housing, we did it during the Truman administration and it helped unleash decades of abundant, affordable housing. I'm honestly amazed at all the anti-rent-control people on here who aren't aware of that history. Unfortunately state and federal government began neglecting public housing in the 60s which has led to their current decrepit state and notoriety for crime and whatnot. I encourage people to read up on the wonderful communities that flourished between 1935 and 1960 in public housing complexes when we actually invested serious money in them. They are not lost causes in the way most people have been made to believe.

The city of Vienna has one of the most successful public-housing-and-rent-control systems in the world and it's been going strong for almost a century. The majority of units there are publicly owned and the competition with the government helps keep the market-rate stock relatively low-priced. You can rent spacious, borderline luxurious apartments in the public stock for under 1000 euros a month, many as low as 600. We'd do well to emulate them.

We have to stop building out and start building up, no more sprawling suburbs which promise a mix of city and country but deliver on neither (there are so many "quiet" suburbs outside 128 that are just choked with traffic from 7am - 7pm every day).


[deleted] OP t1_j8ponrz wrote

It ain’t the 40’s anymore where the rest of the world was rebuilding so America had hurricane force wind at our backs and Government regulations didn’t add 25+% to cost to build back then. That government housing may have been ok 80 years ago, many recent decade have shown the government is a terrible manager of housing.


SuckMyAssmar t1_j8prurm wrote

THANK YOU. Many of these other commenters already have their beliefs and are unwilling to have them challenged by deflecting or posting one (1) study that aligns with their beliefs. I will look into Vienna!


justlikethewwdove t1_j8q35u9 wrote

Yeah I'm prepared to get downvoted like I always do on this topic but whatever. I think my views are also mostly in line with the "all of the above" commenter above. But the Vienna case is just too successful and long lasting to be ignored.


Stronkowski t1_j8qfje6 wrote

> Many of these other commenters already have their beliefs and are unwilling to have them challenged by deflecting or posting one (1) study that aligns with their beliefs.

This is a much better description of OP than the commenters.