Why do people leave their cars on the highway? I’m talking about the cars you see just left there for days when you take the same way to work and home.
husky5050 t1_jac0npf wrote
Runs out of gas money on the way to CA to see a girl.
LonelyAccountantCPA t1_jacan6m wrote
Evading a DUI, being tweakers, bad transmission, etc
michael_scarn_21 t1_jac9jnd wrote
Cheaper to park than downtown /s
Darklighter10 t1_jac6q3u wrote
Sometimes with the orange abandoned sticker? I’ve always wondered this too
PompyxgTV OP t1_jac7psb wrote
That lol
Middle-Example6618 t1_jacntrp wrote
They werer Raptured.
wobwobwob42 t1_jacgq3v wrote
We're not parking here....we are abandoning it
DJ_Gordon_Bombay t1_jadt8ct wrote
They ran out of gas / got a flat, or had some other sort of mechanical failure.
Typically they get it figured out within a day or it's towed as an abandoned vehicle.
The orange sticker is a warning that the vehicle is about to get towed for being abandoned.
ratbas t1_jac5hps wrote
Busted on a DUI.
Boston1_ t1_jaclfky wrote
If arrested it would be towed. These cars are just abandoned. Most are tweakers or transients, the car runs out of gas and they just abandon it.
downwardspiralstairs t1_jac40tr wrote
When the transmission goes on a Chrysler it is best just to walk away