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man2010 t1_j9d0rry wrote

I'd start with places that have reservations available for 10 on a Saturday


justinator5 OP t1_j9d1qu1 wrote

Thanks very helpful


man2010 t1_j9d2qth wrote

No problem, I did the best with what I had to work with


justinator5 OP t1_j9d3fc3 wrote

Bro. Restaurant with good food and drinks, and an entertaining atmosphere for 20 something year olds, that could also accommodate larger groups.


man2010 t1_j9d55p2 wrote

Bro. No budget, no food preferences, no idea what your idea of "entertaining" is. McDonald's has room for 10 and the one in Allston attracts plenty of entertaining characters as the night goes on. Bring some nips and you got yourself a party


justinator5 OP t1_j9dhkxu wrote

My fault for understanding it’ll be difficult to fit a group that large on a Saturday night and not being picky/being willing to go to any place with decent food and drinks
