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ecbremner t1_jaduvxb wrote

The premise of this confuses me. Color me naive but I thought dispensaries were just for picking up your marijuana and leaving. Seems like an odd thing to have topless. It isnt like a strip club experience.


spedmunki t1_jadwcbe wrote

Right…who is going to want to work there. You have to be topless, and you don’t even get good stripper money


aptninja t1_jadyu25 wrote

Maybe they think enough people will choose to pick up from someone topless rather than clothed? Not sure that will be the case, but interesting


ecbremner t1_jadzy8m wrote

Maybe they are banking on Cafe's being legalized and plan on transitioning it over when they do.


Humbert_Minileaous t1_jaew2lo wrote

so this is a strip club that is adding marijuana:

The owners of Club Castaway, a strip club, have plans to transform their business into a topless cannabis dispensary, making for a potential standout in the state’s multi-billion-dollar legal industry, the Boston Business Journal


princesskittyglitter t1_jaex1dd wrote

there was a lingerie store in Revere for many, many years where you could go and the girls in the store would try on the lingerie for you, amongst other things. Seemed stupid as hell to me but they survived for decades.


defariasdev t1_jaepw0v wrote

Thats how i feel about chicken, yet hooters is a thriving business


Sad-Alpaca t1_jaexcl6 wrote

I know there's a place in Washington state that's a drive-thru topless coffee shop. I don't fully understand it, but they have pretty good business, maybe that's the model they are trying to replicate? I still don't see it going well.


Michelanvalo t1_jae7dy4 wrote

People browse and shop in them like regular stores. It's not just pickup and go.
