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CaptainWollaston t1_j9g5s5l wrote

I don't think that's fair or true. I don't really like him, but if you actually read the article and get the context you see that he was intending to make fun of felger for having his car stolen last time he was there. It was kind of a dumb thing to say, he should have paused and been more aware before making the joke, but reading his apology and reading about the situation makes it very unfair to call him a racist.

It's definitely a learning moment, i don't think he intentionally set out to be racist, but it's a great example of how remarks like this can creep into racist areas without racist intentions. Put the pitchfork down and save it for where it's truly deserved.


[deleted] t1_j9gb23p wrote



CaptainWollaston t1_j9gbrho wrote

Except he LITERALLY didn't say that.


Little_Elephant_5757 t1_j9gcjj3 wrote


CaptainWollaston t1_j9ge05d wrote

He did not say Black guy. He said guys like that. "They can't hear us, right? Okay, so I would be careful if I were you. Because the last time you were around a couple of guys like that, they stole your car."


Little_Elephant_5757 t1_j9gfgti wrote

My point wasn’t that he said ‘black guys.’ My point was that he knew he was saying something offensive which is why he asked if they would hear him

You’re trying to say he was just making a joke about the other guys car getting stolen but if that’s true, why did he ask if they guy in the back can hear what he was saying?


RhaenyrasUncle t1_j9gzxhc wrote

> He literally asked if that black guy could hear him before he said it

You did not say that he asked if the "guy" behind him could hear explicitly said "black guy".


Little_Elephant_5757 t1_j9h0huv wrote

You are missing the point. Why would he ask if the guy could hear him if he wasn’t about to saying something offensive?

It’s not whether or not he said ‘black guy’ he was referring to the black guy. That’s the point!


RhaenyrasUncle t1_j9h0pi3 wrote

Its called etiquette...


Little_Elephant_5757 t1_j9h0v8l wrote

Right, because he knew he was going to say something offensive


RhaenyrasUncle t1_j9h1870 wrote

Right, but he didnt get in trouble for saying something offensive...they all say offensive things all the time. Matty in the Morning went YEARS saying offensive jokes.

The issue is the allegations of racially offensive material. So the skin color of the folks in the room is important...hence why you brought it up.


shuzkaakra t1_j9jygor wrote

Does the joke "work" if the guys are white?


It's a racist joke.

And what kind of etiquette is it to imply that a guy is a car thief when you're putting them on a stream/TV without asking them. Presumably that guy right now is having to deal with the fallout of being the lame end of this stupidity.


RhaenyrasUncle t1_j9k0bjm wrote

The joke was that two guys stole Felgers car. There were two guys in the room with Felger alone. Thats the joke.

Mazz said nothing about race, because the race is irrelevant.

In fact, the only ones mentioning race are the racists like yourself who assume that stealing cars is somehow a "black trait", because of your assumption that the only reason why Mazz is making this joke is because the guys in the room are black...

Make it less obvious next time, bigot.


Michelanvalo t1_j9gg8ut wrote

It's offensive to anyone to say "Hey you look like a car thief." Black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever.


shuzkaakra t1_j9gm4r3 wrote

Yeah, but why does he look like a car thief?

I guess he should have been wearing a suit and had a straight haircut. Maybe wear librarian glasses. :\

To me, on the scale of racists on 1 to 10 where 10 is 100% racist. This is like a 5/6. He's not a day to day racist, but it's there. Otherwise, he doesn't say what he said.


CaptainWollaston t1_j9gsvt1 wrote

You're leaving out the part that he had a car stolen there before. That definitely played into busting his balls. He would not have said it out of nowhere.


Michelanvalo t1_j9gmnc3 wrote

What does a car thief look like to you?

Also this is like a 2.


shuzkaakra t1_j9gnvhs wrote

What do you think Maz is looking at on the video that makes him think those guys would make sense in a car thief joke? Are they holding one of those window door jimmy things? Are they dressed in masks? No, they're black. That's why he thinks they look like thieves. It's racist.

Are you trying to argue this point because it feels like something you'd say or do? Maybe you would need to rethink that.

How hard is it to see that seeing two black dudes and saying "haha those two car thieves behind you" is racist?

And the guy talks a lot, maybe he misspoke and the whole thing was somehow funny in his head. Maybe joking that the two black guys "who can't hear us, right?" are car thieves... is racist?

I seems like it to me. I honestly don't think it's worth arguing about where we'd put this on a 1-10 scale. It's pretty subjective how that scale is defined. I'd probably put anything over a 5 as fireable. I think the guy should be fired for this.


Michelanvalo t1_j9gwehl wrote

He was making a joke about Felger getting his car stolen previously and it came off as racially insensitive. It wasn't even close to what you're thinking. This isn't like when D&C made the comments about the gorilla and the residents of Mattapan, and even they were only suspended.

He's been suspended for the rest of the week though so the issue is over now.


aintnufincleverhere t1_j9gm39x wrote

>he was intending to make fun of felger for having his car stolen last time he was there.

How did he do this? Specifically


Little_Elephant_5757 t1_j9gfeum wrote

ETA: Responded to wrong comment. Same comment posted below in correct thread

My point wasn’t that he said ‘black guys.’ My point was that he knew he was saying something offensive which is why he asked if they would hear him

You’re trying to say he was just making a joke about the other guys car getting stolen but if that’s true, why did he ask if they guy in the back can hear what he was saying?


Due-Studio-65 t1_j9giwe5 wrote

I'm reminded of how, when you went on certain forums in the early 2000s people were falling all over themselves to exonerate dennis and callahan when they were making their racist comments.

Some people need a guy in a hood with a deep southern accent saying the N-word standing next to a federal judge before they believe in racism.


CaptainWollaston t1_j9gmva9 wrote

Holy shit this guy is nothing like Dennis and Callahan. They would never have owned up to what they said and learned from it. They are scum.


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_j9ha16t wrote

He doesn’t need to learn from it. It he didn’t think or know it was racist then he wouldn’t have first asked Felger if the guys in the room could hear him. No Mazz but we did.


Due-Studio-65 t1_j9h59li wrote

They literrally said what you are saying. "No racists connections intended, blah blah, blah"

Again, if you go back, you comment is just like guys carrying water for Callahan and Dennis back in the day.


Obviously, Mazz isn't as bad as Dennis and Callahan, and later Minihane, but the support that they had and people saying that they "didn't have a racist bone in their body." Led to them spiraling out and saying crazier and worse things until the whole thing was shut down a few years ago.

If they didn't have defenders back then, they might not have gone as far as they did.


MAIrish91 t1_j9h6bqj wrote

What did Minihane say that was worse than what Mazz said? Calling a reporter a gutless bitch for asking a stupid question isn't as bad as what Mazz said.


RammerJammer1991 t1_j9h71j4 wrote

Minifan here and was curious if anyone who knows nothing about Kirk or KMS would try and lump him into this


suburban_illuminato t1_j9gedfp wrote

You take your cooler head and get out of here! This is the place for fire and brimstone not this level headed shit you are peddling.


patriotrunner t1_j9h5ret wrote

“Creeping into racist areas without racist intentions”

cmon, man! It was absolutely racist, you don’t have to excuse it.


tomjoads t1_j9k2v2l wrote

This is far from the first time he has crossed a line


Schooler420 t1_j9lppxt wrote

Nope. My pitchfork will remain out indefinitely.