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PunishedDommyMommy t1_je61s41 wrote

This has got to be the least plausible plan to fix the T I have ever seen...

And that includes just demolishing it and starting over


NaggeringU t1_je63uw9 wrote

What’s implausible about it?


PunishedDommyMommy t1_je64aw9 wrote

> trains once per half hour

> increased revenue



NaggeringU t1_je64opj wrote

Most people on the T do not pay per ride, they have time passes per their last annual report, and I also mentioned hiking the price of all passes including the subway.

Good luck, tho. Complaining on Reddit when nothing changes next year will work.


PunishedDommyMommy t1_je64zax wrote

Hiking the passes that amount will not make up for the lost revenue from cancellations and lost individual fares. It's not like I didn't read your comment...

> Complaining on Reddit when nothing changes next year will work.

Thank goodness no policy makers read your complaining on Reddit for tips and tricks to fix the local transit agency.


NaggeringU t1_je6578d wrote

Ok, then. Good luck to the T without raising more revenue and reducing expenses.


PunishedDommyMommy t1_je65lhv wrote

> posts the worst possible way to reduce expenses

> complains that other people don't want to reduce expenses at all

30 minute headways would be a death sentence for ridership...


Brave_Ad_510 t1_je67121 wrote

Have you ever heard of a transit death spiral? Yoh seem to have no basic knowledge of how successful transit systems are run. Lowering frequency will not reduce expenses enough to cover the completely collapse in ridership that will be caused by your proposed measures. The mbta spends almost $600M on wages, $550M on debt service and only $365M on materials and services.