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_json_x t1_jef8755 wrote


Psychological-Oil672 t1_jef8psf wrote

I wish I could - I live in the northeast and it sucks but I know better. Gotta remember the industrial revolution started here, so most of our waterways are fucked. That said, the fishing is still good - just can't eat it.


_json_x t1_jefcyym wrote

I live in the northeast too. Hard to imagine giving up sushi, swordfish, salmon, all of which I love. But maybe I should. Then again it is hard to determine what food sources aren't rife with PFAs.


Psychological-Oil672 t1_jefgui2 wrote

Those are not the common catch; but it’s funny people don’t wanna believe New England waters are fucked. Yes folks we’ve done a lot to clean them up, but how can you quantify a century of dumping polluted in the river; believe what ever y’all want lol


_json_x t1_jefhw2x wrote

I'm not implying the waters are clean at all


SomeDumbGamer t1_jeh2exu wrote

They’re getting better. Where I live near Uxbridge the blackstone, Mumford, and west rivers were some of the most polluted on earth and you’d never know now. They’ve recovered wonderfully.