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priyatequila t1_jdbm4ty wrote

I wasn't talking about fixing this specific case or instances like this, I was referring to the whole children & family services system. there's so many kids in harmful situations, but by taking them away from their families, wherever they end up isn't necessarily better.

I hope you could tell by the first few paragraphs I wrote that this case infuriated me and should not have happened. there are not enough checks and balances in place for sure.


dazzlingupstairz OP t1_jdbmnqu wrote

>I was referring to the whole children & family services system. there's so many kids in harmful situations, but by taking them away from their families, wherever they end up isn't necessarily better

I have no solutions to that deep seated societal issue. This is a societal issue that I can't even begin to solve :(

Most DCF employees are fine people trying to work to make it so that the lives of neglected and abused children are not forgotten. I wish I had an answer.