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snorkeling_moose t1_je0hzym wrote

Right? Imagine if he opened his first speech like this:

"Look, this thing is a fucking turd, and I'm not gonna pretend polishing it is gonna help. You're gonna have to learn to enjoy shit sandwiches, losers. If anyone here actually cared about mass transit you wouldn't have let it get to this point. I have half a mind to privatize the entire thing and turn the tunnels into lab space."


warlocc_ t1_je0nir8 wrote

In this state, that probably would have gone over actually quite well.


AnarchyAntelope112 t1_je0lv8n wrote

>"Look, this thing is a fucking turd, and I'm not gonna pretend polishing it is gonna help. You're gonna have to learn to enjoy shit sandwiches, losers.

- Kenny Powers