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RandyCheeseburgers01 t1_je0ki1u wrote

Four hours?? I'm not sure it's that long. But I hear your point. The idea still being tossed around; here's a recent Globe article on it. The general public seems to interpret it as a way to alleviate the housing crisis in Greater Boston. People will use any excuse they can get to avoid upzoning and building more housing in Boston and the inner suburbs and to appease the NIMBYs. I know some people are open the idea of supercommuting (I am not one of them). A Springfield-Boston commute would really only be viable if it's high speed rail, not the current iteration of the T commuter rail trundling along. I'm not holding my breath on that.


UltravioletClearance t1_je0l2kh wrote

God I hope this doesn't become a reality. Opening up Springfield to the masses of rich-yet-not-rich-enough-for-Boston people will just lead to mass displacement of Springfield's existing residents and turn Springfield into yet another overpriced bedroom community of Boston that lacks any local economy on its own. Already seeing this down in New Bedford.
