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bondsman333 t1_jdtjrqr wrote

Snow days plus the occasional sick kid or plumber coming to your house. Maybe 3-4 a year max. Really infrequent and it was basically a ‘favor.’

The biggest shift has been the location diverse workforce. We have some combination of employees at home, in offices and spread across several states. All of our meetings are zoom meetings regardless of where folks are located.

It’s super annoying because in the old cubicle farms you hear so much background noise it’s impossible to get work done or hold effective meetings.


Mei_Flower1996 OP t1_jdtjzmn wrote

Ah. I guess this is specific workplace culture specific , too. My dad basically gave the same answer ( he works tech and his office is super into everyone coming in, even for those with 1.5 hr commutes).

But he said overall it was 50/50 pre COVID.