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Mumbles76 OP t1_jdke8nl wrote

How are these events for young kids that are impatient? Is it mostly geared to legit stargazers or are there usually kids running around etc?


JasperDyne t1_jdkl8uj wrote

The ones I’ve attended have been pretty casual. If it’s a fairly decent-sized club with lots of members with their respective scopes set up, it should be pretty easy to accomodate kids with short attention spans. Of course all clubs are different, so your actual mileage may vary.


Drix22 t1_jdmky3l wrote

Atmob member: We're kid friendly, but the scopes are owned by volunteers who do assess a kid's age and ability to follow directions when looking through the scope sometimes worth thousands of dollars. Every kid is different and it's a tough one to feel out, but I've literally seen someone try to swing on a telescope like it was a monkey bar and that's going to be a hard pass.