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TheColonelRLD t1_jd0ruz0 wrote

This is nice of you, but I hope you realize you're blowing up your spot. These pharmacies have inventory because they haven't been inundated yet. If a lot of people see this, and you help them out through spreading awareness, next week/month these pharmacies might not have the inventory to fill your rx.

This is a nice thing to do, just making sure you've considered the consequence!

Edit: Source: worked in a pharmacy during a similar time, we got highlighted like this and were out of stock of the sought after meds in all strengths by the next morning.


OleUncleAlbenBarkley t1_jd0tf48 wrote

Oof, yeah you make a great point.

Going to leave it up a little longer to be kind, then take it down.


Thetoonshow t1_jd1d30l wrote

Yeah my pharmacy was fine for a while and then in a FB group someone called out how it had been filling their scripts every month without issue. Two weeks later went to fill my script and they were all out. I get people wanting to help out but unfortunately what winds up happening is everyone floods that particular pharmacy and leaves the people who live in that community scrambling to find a pharmacy who can now fill their scripts.


treescentric t1_jd079ne wrote

Wild state of affairs. Thanks for the post.


CoffeeContingencies t1_jd1fbo4 wrote

I heard the shortage is very significant on the south shore in particular now. It just took me 10 days to find it. Most pharmacies had the name brand, but that’s $360 out of pocket for a month supply.

The shortages are particularly bad right now with lower doses, since people on higher doses are getting prescribed multiples of the lower ones to add up to their dosages. (Ex: if you take 60mg and the pharmacy has 20mg they tell you to get your doc to resend with 20mg 3x daily to take at the same time).


SnooBooks5315 t1_jd1ihfv wrote

I wish this was true for my pain meds. Even BMC is on backorder. My doctor even went to the internal hospital pharmacy just to get a better idea of how bad it is. It's bad. Thank you for sharing


_Atlas_Drugged_ t1_jd0kpzz wrote

What is the Shapiro pharmacy?


TheColonelRLD t1_jd0rjtz wrote

A pharmacy?

Shapiro Pharmacy at Boston Medical Center (617) 414-4880


OleUncleAlbenBarkley t1_jd0vdof wrote

They are really quick too. My Doc is out of state, called it in this afternoon and it was ready in an hour. Glad this helps!


Thetoonshow t1_jd1dcv0 wrote

You are most likely going to regret this the next time you need to fill your script. You are nice to try and help but everyone and their mother who has been trying to fill their script and can’t will now flood these pharmacies.


OleUncleAlbenBarkley t1_jd3kqs9 wrote

I went 24 years without any stimulants in my system— if I have to ration for a month or two so that other people without access for months can get the help they need then honestly so be it.

I’ve had friends fall into depressive episodes after weeks of no treatment, I’d rather help anyone like that snap out of that hole with the help of proper care than worry about myself entirely.

Somethings are bigger than 20Mg’s of legal meth twice a day.

Not trying to be snarky or combative— I appreciate your perspective and don’t disagree with your point. Just making the conscious choice to think beyond myself.

Happy Tuesday though! Have a great week.


liberal_hack t1_jd32v79 wrote

BMC also has a mail order pharmacy called Cornerstone Health Solutions that takes outside prescriptions if anyone is interested in mail services.


FalloutGawd t1_jd3m3ml wrote

I’m seeing a lot of reports on social media of people taking addy now and not getting the same effects. Curious if anyone here has been effected as well.


amilmore t1_jd3jl07 wrote

has anyone had issues getting their vivanse? I've been ok so far. I switched from XR adderal because it couldnt get it, same with instant which i would use sometimes.


OleUncleAlbenBarkley t1_jd3lgys wrote

I can’t speak for Boston on vyvanse specifically but I have family down south who’ve had a really hard time finding Vyvanse month to month… seems like the East Coast drought hit especially hard for Vyvanse… hang in there!!

The generic versions are finally rolling out sometime this fall/early next year so that usual price tag won’t be so costly soon enough.

Good luck with your search! Happy Tuesday to ya.


[deleted] OP t1_jd0cyzi wrote



charons-voyage t1_jd0r1is wrote

No it’s not lol don’t go spreading misinformation. Demand rose a shit ton during the pandemic because telemedicine quacks are overprescribing and manufacturers can’t keep up. Someone below posted a nice link on an article. I work in the industry. Take your conspiracy theories elsewhere since A) they aren’t helping OP and B) it’s bogus.


ichigo841 t1_jd11soc wrote

The DEA did not raise production caps for 2023 despite knowing demand has skyrocketed. It's also very convenient that they engineered this shortage right before Vyvanse is about to go generic, forcing a lot of patients to switch to a very expensive alternative so Big Pharma can get one last hit of record profits.

I honestly don't give a fuck if telemedicine is giving scripts to dead people. When's the last time a fucking cop got into med school? Being a fucking moron is a job requirement to become a cop. Show me the DEA agents' medical license. These unelected thugs need to be brought to heel. Drugs won the war on drugs. Send the soldiers packing. Abolish the DEA, they contribute absolutely nothing to society.

It just goes to show how deep the stigma on mental health runs, that y'all think it's acceptable for us to be collateral damage. Imagine if they did this for insulin, or any other medicine that doctors consider medically necessary. These unelected pigs have no right to decide any of this. They are lawless and unaccountable. It took them four months to bother responding to Rep. Spanberger's letters on this topic. They even refused the president's direct orders to reschedule cannabis. Who the fuck do they think they are?


CoffeeContingencies t1_jd1ekcf wrote

Adderall IS medically necessary. Especially if you take it for narcolepsy. The general public doesn’t understand the complexity of ADHD, especially inattentive type. It’s not just hyperactive little boys who are impulsive, it is a disorder that can cause significant impacts to quality of life and even life in general for some people.

And it doesn’t just magically go away when you turn 18, in fact more and more women in their 30-40’s are being diagnosed because we were overlooked when we were children in the 90’s since people did think it was just for hyperactive little boys.


ichigo841 t1_jd87kta wrote

Then they look at those 30-40 year olds getting scripts at record rates and use that as justification to refuse to raise the supply limits. It's all absolutely maddening.

The C2 classification is becoming more and more unjustifiable. It's not fentanyl for god's sake.


OleUncleAlbenBarkley t1_jd0xkdm wrote

As an ADHDer who desperately needs at least one dose/day to be my very best, Telehealth scares the bejeesus out of me.

I tried Cerebral on a 1 month-free promo for a refill and an ESA waiver (r/LifeProTips) and the guy I talked to asked zero questions after "Tell me why you think you have ADHD" and signed off on everything. A lot of false diagnoses or rushed diagnoses led to an overprescribing epidemic.

Now, that's not to say there aren't a TON of currently undiagnosed folx out there who greatly benefit from stimulants, but the exponential increase of prescriptions isn't because of any sudden increase in actually-diagnosed individuals.

And with that said, the FDA and DEA's regulations on production caps and distribution laws have strained the system just not exclusively because of the drug maker's and distributor's ability or lack thereof to produce a larger volume of these medications at a faster rate. So in short: a little column A + a little column B, if you will.

Can you tell I took my afternoon dose today? Lol

Have a great week to those who read this ramble.


NEED_TP_ASAP t1_jd0mzgc wrote

Don't burn yourself on that hot take. This is Q-level conspiracy shit.


BHKbull t1_jd0ojco wrote

I mean kind of but it’s not wrong, the DEA and FDA do enforce caps on the production of pharmaceutical amphetamines. Meanwhile crystal meth is easier to obtain than pharmaceutical amphetamines in some regions. It’s pretty absurd.


codblopsII t1_jd2hqk2 wrote

Is "folx" the new, no one gets offended, term?


ttlyntfake t1_jd32vra wrote

It's not super new, no. I thought of it as a 10-ish year old term, but turns out it dates back to the 90s:

I personally think it's silly since "folks" is totally non-constraining, but it's also a fine and clear term so I don't see a need to get upset if people want to use it. It's not something heinous like referencing standing ON line or other nonsense.


OleUncleAlbenBarkley t1_jd3l50a wrote

I’m relatively new to using the term, but I spent a year serving with Americorps as a social justice educator and now it’s locked into my vernacular lol


codblopsII t1_jd3cl9b wrote

I can't tell you how many Latin Americans are against the term Latinx. It seems I offended someone by asking stuff anyways


jp_slim t1_jd38694 wrote

Folx is african american vernacular english and has been a thing for decades.


Dukeofdorchester t1_jd18lga wrote

Just buy meth. Only use it until the pharmacies are restocked. It’s basic science.


BigHmmEnergy t1_jd1eulx wrote

The difference between meth and adderall/vyvanse/Ritalin is like the difference between codeine cough syrup and heroin. They ultimately tickle the same part of your brain but just wildly different strength levels


SpaceBasedMasonry t1_jd1gl5i wrote

Pharmaceutical grade methamphetamine actually is used (very rarely) for treatment resistant ADHD. Its trade name is Desoxyn.