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UltimateZo OP t1_iu2u48t wrote

First off, thanks for the level-headed and sincere response. I appreciate you.

Yes I have quickly realized how defensive people are, and its certainly strange. I understand having pride in Boston, but if you aren't open to criticism, critique, or helping those struggling with the systems that are vital to Boston then how will it continue to improve in the future?

Anyways, I am definitely going to reach out to more places and realize my mistake with reaching out to the "top 3" in the Boston area. Truly it wasn't because I think I am superior or should skip the line, that's just how I did it back in the Bay Area. Want to see a specialist? Call UCSF or Stanford and they will get you into a doctor in something like 2-4 weeks.

Thanks again for the response and all the best!