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t1_irh30qm wrote

>Pay attention to the road, you're not driving a car.

I like the implication here that if you are driving a car, you don't need to pay attention to the road


OP t1_irh5bde wrote

Yeah because everyone on bikes thinks they make the rules of the road, until a driver hits them and is at fault. Until you bikers get a car and understand then talk all you want lol


t1_irh62yh wrote

>Until you bikers get a car and understand then talk all you want lol

I ride a bike, drive a car, run, and walk in the city. Maybe you should try a few modes of transportation too to round out your perspective a little better.


t1_irh6mgq wrote

Stop being so selfish. In case you didn't get the news, there's a global warming crisis going on right now.

If not for bicyclists, we'd be under 20' of water by now and we'd be taking the MBTA orange/red/green/ blue line submarine to work.


OP t1_irh7peb wrote

As you use half a roll of toilet paper a day to wipe your big ass and buys everything wrapped in plastic ha! What have you done to help?


t1_irh8tn7 wrote

Just so you know, you're asking someone that hides all my chemical waste in the bottom of leaf and lawn bags on pick-up days, changes my H1 Hummers oil over storm drains and burns kerosene soaked tires in my backyard fire pit.

What the fuck have you done?