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SLUer12 t1_itwr2z5 wrote

Maybe I’m just in less shape than you. But plenty of tough trails out here on the west. It’s comical actually that you think the Boston area within a 3 hour drive have anything remotely close to the kind of hikes you can get in Seattle with Mount Rainier, Mount Baker in the vicinity.


Stronkowski t1_itwwjfm wrote

You probably are, as I've done multiple hikes in the hundreds of miles distance (one of which was even out there in the Rockies). If you were a more experienced hiker than I am I doubt you'd have mentioned that possibility.

I've yet to do Rainier, but if it's actually got any grade or technicality it'll be the first for me out of hundreds of miles worth of trail out there. Being high elevation doesn't make a hike difficult, and switchbacks are boring AF. They're the treadmills of hiking.

Meanwhile, yes the Green and White Mountains have been tougher than anything I've found out west yet. Going straight up rocky terrain instead of winding around on a horse graded trail is a huge difference.