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charons-voyage t1_iu14fjk wrote

It sucks for everyone involved. I had a cyclist scream at me today by Wollaston beach because he was riding on the sidewalk, faster than was safe considering the foot traffic), and I was running in the opposite direction. He told me to “STAY TO THE RIGHT!”…like wtf this is a sidewalk, mate. Use the road like I do when I ride my road bike. It’s fine to go pedestrian speed while on a sidewalk. But bikes need to yield to peds on the sidewalk.

Morale of my rambling, keeping all modes of transportation as separated as possible is best for everyone lol


CJYP t1_iu4j2pi wrote

Sidewalk isn't the same as a sidewalk level bike lane. If biking on the sidewalk, you have to yield to pedestrians. If you're biking in a sidewalk level bike lane, pedestrians should yield to you.


Anustart15 t1_iu48923 wrote

>He told me to “STAY TO THE RIGHT!”…like wtf this is a sidewalk, mate.

Was there room for you to be farther right though? Nothing is more annoying than people that just on the wrong side of the sidewalk for no reason, whether they were on a bike or not, obstructing the wrong side of the sidewalk when there's space to make room for others is just shitty behavior too.


charons-voyage t1_iu4ryy9 wrote

There was room to my right. But why should I move over when he was cruising by, on the sideWALK, on his bicycle? He should have yielded to me. It’s not like there is a rule on sidewalk that runners have to stay to the right…

ETA, I’m not a prick. I move over to give people room when it’s obvious that there is a “right of way”. But I didn’t know if he was gonna go left or right, he was going way too fast and had just passed another group of people. I can’t read his mind and he gave no indication that he was gonna go stay to my left.


Anustart15 t1_iu4ukjy wrote

>But why should I move over

Because it's the normal neighborly thing to do.

>But I didn’t know if he was gonna go left or right

Because you weren't off to one side, so he also didn't know if you were going left or right.

>It’s not like there is a rule on sidewalk that runners have to stay to the right…

But clearly you can see how it would be beneficial to everyone's ability to efficiently share the sidewalk


charons-voyage t1_iu4xj95 wrote

I was ALL the way to the left (hugging the wall). He should have yielded to me since he was on a bike. He also could have moved over. Not like there are rules over which side of the sidewalk to walk on lol


Anustart15 t1_iu54tt6 wrote

Again, there aren't rules, but literally everyone here walks on the right side for the very obvious reason of making everyone safer and more predictable. I don't blame him at all for yelling at you to go on the side of the sidewalk that literally everyone else goes to


charons-voyage t1_iu56hxg wrote

The left side is further from the road (a busy road) hence why I stay to the left. Again, this is a sidewalk lol. Not a shared use path. Bikes can use the sidewalk but should slow down and yield to pedestrians. Or just use the road like a normal person.


Anustart15 t1_iu5banu wrote

Again, literally everyone else walks on the right side of the sidewalk, so don't be surprised when someone gets annoyed that you choose not to


charons-voyage t1_iu5cbg0 wrote

I’ve been running in the city for over a decade. Nobody favors either side of the sidewalk lol that’s ridiculous. If anything, pedestrians distance themselves from the road. Usually people spread out and block it tbh, it’s obnoxious trying to dodge people who don’t pick a side. On a shared use path, there’s usually signage (like the Minuteman) indicating to stay to one side. But on a sidewalk? Nah, it’s a mixed bag.

Maybe we can agree to disagree here haha. At the end of the day, Lance should have slowed down and yielded to a pedestrian, or gotten his bitch ass in the road where road cyclists (myself included) belong.