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Anustart15 t1_iu48ece wrote

But if you do it somewhere touristy like downtown Boston, there will always be a critical mass of people with no clue walking down the bike lane


Amy_Ponder t1_iu49cuf wrote

So install some signage explaining what the bike lanes are there. Meanwhile, continue paving them as normal in the rest of the city.


Anustart15 t1_iu4ap4e wrote

Because tourist (and everyone, realistically) are famously good at reading signs and following their instructions.


Amy_Ponder t1_iu4bk21 wrote

So because we'll never get 100% of people following the rules all the time, we should just give up completely? Come on, man. Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good.

I'd much rather have a lovely network of separated cycle tracks, which may have some issues with tourists being idiots in certain tourist-heavy areas, than the current life-threatening bike gutters most roads have now.


Anustart15 t1_iu4cira wrote

I'm not saying no bike lanes, I'm saying sidewalk level bike lanes are not the best option for that area