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t1_itym2h4 wrote

Go somewhere warm, I wouldn't waste an international vacation on a boston winter.


OP t1_itytr69 wrote

Is it that bad 😂


t1_ityvxco wrote

Yes. February is generally very cold and snowy. I would go somewhere warmer.


t1_iu01oh7 wrote

It’s the coldest, windiest and iciest month with little daylight and everyone is fucking miserable. The snow is like 40% trash and dirt and the city looks hideous.

There are times in February when it’s just too inhospitable outside - it literally hurts your face. People would rather take an Uber rather than walk 10 minutes. You also have a good chance of being snowed in on some days.

If you’re not acclimated to this kind of climate, I wouldn’t do it. You would spend more money on a good jacket and boots than you would plane tickets.

Please come back in the summer or next autumn. It’s absolutely beautiful, shit is hopping, streets are clean and people are in good spirits. Also, we love the Irish and you’ll be treated well.


t1_iu0hf90 wrote

>It’s the coldest, windiest and iciest month with little daylight and everyone is fucking miserable.

The people who are saying this (you're not the only one) seem to have forgotten about January, which is colder, windier, and darker. The days start getting longer rather quickly during February. Yes, it can still be cold and snowy, but it is warmer than January.


t1_itz6cb9 wrote

Really depends what you are used to but it’s by far our worst weather month.


t1_itz3pi7 wrote

Yes. This is a no brainer. Don’t waste your money or time. Go somewhere warmer in Feb and consider Boston in the Summer or Fall.