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Wtf_is_this1234 t1_iu3y7mg wrote

So basically what you're implying is that no one should be held accountable for this?


itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_iu42c2g wrote

Breaking generational trauma would mean providing this kid with proper role models, and undoing the influence of his dead-beat parents.

IE: giving him goals and a future beyond his neighborhood.

You cannot undo, fix, or forgive the parents. Not once did I ever even hint at absolving the parents negligence, you inserted that.

But for Christ’s Sake we’re talking about a seven year old child here who probably doesn’t understand they did anything wrong.

I’m not ready to write off a second grader as a lost cause.


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_iu4322c wrote

I don't think anyone suggests charging the 7 year old, but the parents should be held accountable somehow.


[deleted] t1_iu41jmt wrote



Khatanghe t1_iu4aklp wrote

And this comment is the 2022 way of saying “I support systemic poverty” without saying just that.

Seriously - if someone points out ways in which poverty negatively influences peoples’ lives and your only response is to deflect blame onto the people making these observations you’re just attempting to derail the conversation to avoid talking about the issue.