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boreas907 t1_iuczg0i wrote

The only other city more walkable is New York.


charons-voyage t1_iud21xh wrote

The only reason I sometimes think Boston is “more walkable” than NYC is because Boston is so small you can walk the best parts of the city in a few hours lol. NYC requires a subway to do that since it’s so much bigger (and more to see lol).


boreas907 t1_iud6oca wrote

I often say that New York is more walkable but Boston is more pleasant to walk in.


charons-voyage t1_iud8oe3 wrote

I can get on board with that. Boston is certainly cleaner and not as congested.


specialcranberries t1_iugsquj wrote

I’m not sure I would agree with that statement but okay. I definitely know of at least one city I would consider more walkable, especially with the weather. It is very walkable though though.
