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houndoftindalos t1_ixq7phq wrote

All this language about "symbolic violence" and "other emancipatory movements" tells me this study clearly had an agenda. They clearly weren't just there to study it and report the objective truth. I wouldn't trust it. What about the "violence" done to grocery store workers who have to clean up after these people and use this bathroom? Screw them I guess. Let the drug users reign supreme!


Sheol t1_ixqqcy2 wrote

My dude, the paper was published in Harm Reduction, of course it's part of the harm reduction movement.

That conclusion unfortunately was only looking at the problem from the drug users and the harm reduction stand point and really ignores the property owners view. The take away from many of the interviews was, "I'd avoid the blue lights unless I really needed a spot, then I'd use it anyway and it's be more dangerous for me to inject without seeing right." Which has obvious negatives for those two parties, and quite a positive effect for the store owner.