michael_scarn_21 t1_iy4m62a wrote
The employees union can buy them out if they can pay what they were asking the owner for and still have a viable business.
No-Garlic-2664 t1_iy4su8f wrote
You mean a cafe can’t afford to pay people who serve sandwiches 50k a year + 10k a year in health insurance premiums if they want to stay in business?
BradDaddyStevens t1_iy5s9m8 wrote
Maybe the demands from the Darwin’s union were too high. But, yeah, Darwin’s might be the first of many cafe-type businesses to close down if they can’t pay their workers well.
It’s insanely expensive to live in Boston, and the public transportation is absolute dogshit, yet people just expect a servile class to somehow make it work with terrible wages.
Things are gunna go to shit unless something changes.
dante662 t1_iy69s3h wrote
That something is demanding your city council/zoning board/ISD departments dramatically open up construction zoning.
No more historical districts, shadow studies, height restrictions, single-family only zoning, "tiny home" bans, density restrictions, bans on unmarried adults living together, parking minimums.
All these things make it far too expensive to build housing. We can have affordable housing, we just do literally everything possible to avoid it.
NotSoSecretMissives t1_iy6nsnw wrote
Changing zoning laws is an important step, but this problem is decades in the making. The average worker needs rental assistance from the state until the ten of thousands of missing homes are finally built.
PresidentBush2 t1_iy6q7co wrote
Unpopular opinion PSA for people who didn’t grow up in Massachusetts and/or try to influence public policy via Reddit social media comments: public transportation in Boston is probably 9.5/10 for an American city.
some1saveusnow t1_iy79prv wrote
It’s hilarious being able to obviously pick out ppl not originally from the area who make the loudest row about how bad things are here with the obvious intention to change things cause they don’t know what it used to be like or they’re tired of being jerked around and want to call this place home. I get what the end game is, but their perspective is completely lacking
BradDaddyStevens t1_iy7hr4u wrote
I did, in fact, grow up in the Boston area. And I lived in Boston proper for 8 years.
Who fucking cares if the T is good by American standards if it still doesn’t fulfill the needs of the people who live here?
Honestly, if your whole thought process on this topic is “well at least it’s better than Houston”, then my opinion is that it’s YOU who lacks proper perspective.
BradDaddyStevens t1_iy7ip8s wrote
God this is such a dogshit comment.
I did grow up in the Boston area - not that it even matters.
But how dare you try to diminish the needs of people who live in Boston because they’re not from here, as if that fucking makes a difference. They pay taxes here. Their opinions matter just as much as yours.
But you go ahead and enjoy your participation trophy for the “least shit transit system out of the worlds shittiest transit systems” while people are getting priced out of the city and can’t get to their jobs effectively.
some1saveusnow t1_iy79t0b wrote
When the only viable businesses are corporately owned, ppl BEST not be bitching about how this happened
downthewell62 t1_iy8pnzl wrote
It wasn't 50k, it was 24$ an hour. Which... does not get you far in Cambridge.
TheSausageKing t1_iy63zyp wrote
They don’t even have to buy him out. He’s closing the business, so they just need startup capital.
The problem is the numbers don’t work paying staff $65k / yr to work at a coffee shop. They would lose piles of money.
Shapen361 t1_iy5lvmb wrote
If that were possible, Darwin's wouldn't have closed.
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