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LumixShill t1_ixrk67a wrote

You guys don't understand. This is a true and accurate representation of what they saw. It's actually a pretty restrained edit.

I was shooting in the same area the day before and this is what I saw. For context, I am a mantis shrimp.


SnooHedgehogs7109 OP t1_ixrnqy7 wrote

That’s pretty cool


biffNicholson t1_ixs9ulh wrote

You caught a lot of flak here, photo/art is a subjective thing. If OP is cool with the shot and likes it all good. But OP put it online, meaning, some people will take time out of there day just to be shitty. I have worked in many areas of the photo world for over 25 years, and personally I am not loving the shot, its a fun moment for OP to remember, and thats great

HDR can and is over done a lot. its the same way that its hard just to drink just one beer, ya gotta try 2-3-4 and see what happens.

All that said, if I coudl say one thing its that the photo is flat, meaning it doesn't have a pure black and white in the photo. meaning 0 or 255 respectively on the histogram, ( basicly 0 represents black areas in the image, 255 represents pure white in the image. you can see your histogram here.

and this explains image histograms a bit more. they are very helpful when shooting digitally.

maybe try re processing the image. and see what different options you get, you might like some and its a good way to learn how to process images better. If this image came out of a camera app as we see it, then the app did some crazy HDR stuff and that's that.

also get an Italian sub with extra hots at duxbury pizza

Good luck


psc0425 t1_ixsl2h9 wrote

If you post a photo, then you'll have to be able to take criticism or have thick skin. But if you like it, that's all it matters. IMO


Stratussphere t1_ixsos1i wrote

^ This is the way. Except the whole Italian Sub, which is absolutely amazing, however, I'd go with their Buffalo Chicken Sub, American cheese, bread toasted. Possibly with a side of French Fries. While you wait, grab a Mai Tai from Tsang's.