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DMala t1_iy4hjjb wrote

I was fascinated by Toynbee tiles back in the day, and I was super stoked to spot one in the wild back in the early ‘00s. These are interesting, but I worry that they have a Trump-y, “fake news” odor about them.


juanzy t1_iy4l8ix wrote

Right. They’re fun as entertainment, but worried about people taking them too seriously. Honestly, same thought about conspiracy theories. Fun to read about, but have way too much sway on some people.


[deleted] t1_iy5cscb wrote



juanzy t1_iy5daaw wrote

No, I think people should be taught during compulsory education years how to vet sources, critically think, and understand what they’re reading. We always tell people to “not believe everything they hear” then don’t give them tools to properly do their own research.


Fauznaut OP t1_iy4hucn wrote

Agree. I think the actual message of the tiler(s) has never been totally sane, but they are fascinating.