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Hypothermal_Confetti t1_iw2hz3b wrote


BadWolfman t1_iw3a1to wrote

$50 million of that goes to scholarships for students and $25 million for endowed professorships. The remaining $25 million will “support research and teaching.”

I doubt that would cover a single new building with the current cost of construction. Even if it did, there is a backlog of existing spaces that need technology, HVAC, and furnishing upgrades.


junky372 t1_iw2vhsb wrote

It doesn't mean that the institution gets access to 100 million right away - generally, they get access to whatever the interest is on that money yearly which is then divided up across the spending priorities that the donor specified (endowing professors, scholarship aid, research, etc) so that the money is sustainable and keeps giving over time.