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Think_Positively t1_ix1d6ul wrote

This is true, but I'd much rather pay more for electricity than have Russia raping and pillaging with zero resistance.


DialJforJasper t1_ix1wvfm wrote

Keep in mind that not everyone can afford to “pay more.” It’s a nice mentality, but this is what leads to an uptick in homelessness.


UnthinkingMajority t1_ix25pbs wrote

Oh well then Russia, by all means, please proceed


DialJforJasper t1_ix2942u wrote

Typical thought process of someone with deep enough pockets to simply welcome “paying more.”


UnthinkingMajority t1_ix2blb0 wrote

I have been gifted with both the intellectual capacity to think that two things can be bad at once and the moral capacity to figure out which bad thing is worse


No-Garlic-2664 t1_ix20drw wrote

That's nice that you think you can speak for every electricity consumer in the state. How about all the people who agree with you can split the extra cost and leave everybody else out of it?


UnthinkingMajority t1_ix26aww wrote

Disgusting to act like you have the moral high ground by thinking Ukrainian lives are worth less than your power bill. Sometimes there are no good options.


No-Garlic-2664 t1_ix28j6y wrote

Disgusting to act like you can browbeat people with self righteous bullshit.

Not interested in paying billions to fund a war effort, or paying 50% more for food and energy, and there is nothing wrong with that


UnthinkingMajority t1_ix2c9lc wrote

You don’t have to be interested to realize that it’s the lesser of two evils.

You’re free to think your wallet is more important than the lives of other people, but don’t expect any sympathy from the rest of us for it.


No-Garlic-2664 t1_ix2j4ts wrote

Then stop demanding everybody else pay for the stand you personally want to take. Not even gonna bother asking you questions to discover examples where you place your wallet over the needs of others, there undoubtedly are many.


UnthinkingMajority t1_ix2jf0x wrote

I’m not asking anyone to do anything, I’m making my peace with a bad situation and saving my sympathy for people whose lives are at risk and not the ones complaining about paying more for electricity so they can bitch on Reddit 🙄


Think_Positively t1_ix376w3 wrote

You must have missed the part where I said that I'd prefer paying more, huh?