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[deleted] t1_ivfl2uq wrote


becausefrog t1_ivfopl1 wrote

People with insurance that doesn't pay well don't get all the dental work done that they need, they just get the bare minimum. The more the insurance pays, the more work people will get done which means more money for the dentist.


sardaukarma t1_ivfr930 wrote

I’m ok with dentists doing more work and therefore receiving more pay. Seems alright to me.

Fucked up that your teeth are considered “luxury bones”


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivfuy4z wrote

This would be fair if dentists were somehow underpaid. They are not, they never have been and they make most of their money on cosmetic stuff.

If dentists get paid more, that cost just gets shifted by the insurance companies onto consumers. The insurance company will not sacrifice at all, despite what the people behind this question would have you believe. The insurance industry literally doesn't care what dentists charge, as long as the customer is willing to pay the premiums.


Lemonio t1_ivg6yxy wrote

Doesn’t it require that a certain percentage go towards claims? They can’t increase their margins just by increasing premiums Sure they can make more revenue total by increasing premiums but the same is true without this change


Jimmyking4ever t1_ivgh6sp wrote

It's just like when the US had a tax on corporations 79 years ago.

If the business (insurance company) doesn't provide services using 80% of the revenue they receive they lose out on that money and have to pay it back.


Snoo_97625 t1_ivfomon wrote

People won't go if they can't afford it. So far the only time I've seen a dentist in the last ten years was when I went to the students for free.